March 4, 2007

Sweet Tibetan Sheepskin Yakskin Baby Sling--And Birthing Center Vs. Delivery Room


This shot, titled "Father & Son," was taken in Amdo, Tibet, by Brooklyn photographer Raul Gutierrez, and it shows, among other things, an awesome sheepskin baby sling a yakskin robe being used as a baby sling [thanks for the correction, Tina, it's so obvious now that you mention it]. It's stitched and edged, which means, at least, that it's not improvised. As I was looking for some more info on it, I click over to Gutierrez' blog, and--

HELLO, his wife just gave birth to their second son Thursday. The whole story, from the Mini Cooper racing from Brooklyn to the birthing center at St Luke's, to the visceral, unmediated experience of natural delivery this time, to a clear-eyed comparison with their first, delivery room/epiduralized birth, is all right there. Except for being short a Tibetan sheepskin baby sling, everyone's doing fine.

"Father & Son," by Raul Gutierrez
[ via boingboing]
Bonus Chinese gearporn: check out this stroller in Xinjiang []
The Nitty Gritty [ blog]
Gutierrez had his first solo show, "Travel Without Maps," last fall at Nelson Hancock Gallery []
Previously: Brooklyn: Great place to conceive, wouldn't want to deliver there

1 Comment

That's not a baby sling, it's a tibetan yakskin robe, tied at the waist. Tibetans tick their kids inside...

raul is an amazing blogger/photo guy, click back to dec 2004 to see one of the best birth pictures ever

[duh, of course. good call on the robe. and the photo/account, too. I'm friends/fans of like half his blogroll, so I'm surprised I'm so late to his work. great stuff. the kid and I clicked through for half an hour this afternoon. -ed.]

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