They say 10% of Europeans were conceived in Ikea beds. If this giant collection of vintage magazine ads is any indication, at least 10% of Americans born before the Dodge Caravan was introduced were conceived in customized vans.

I'll double-check on Wikipedia in a minute, but I'm pretty sure that male symbol-looking thing on the side of this Dodge Van just means it was made using only the best steel available.
Van Advertisements: "A New Set Of Adult Toys [sic] From Dodge" [iiidragons via coop]
Previously: Volvo Logo, Name, Found Mildly Suggestive By Some
I particularly like the disconnect in this one...
Macho van (STRONG BOX) picking up a load from...
fabric shop?!?!
Ahhh yes. The F*ck Truck.
Viva la Tommy Bradford!