February 19, 2007

Wha Wha Wha?? 6-Foot Ugly Dolls


I've seen these in convention booths and even at store, but I just assumed they were display/fixtures, kind of like the 8' Stokke Tripp Trapp we saw in Iceland.

But no, you can buy six-foot tall Ugly Dolls of your very own. They're more furniture than toy, and presumably there's some kind of baffling like a comforter so all the stuffing doesn't settle to the bottom. [7-foot tall wearable versions are, at press time, still unavailable.]

The long-term psychological ramifications of raising an infant in a house with a 6-foot plush monster are, obviously, under-researched. In fact, there's very little data on these things at all; most of the 20-something Ugly Doll groupies [gruppies?] on the Kid Robot forums are already having to save up for the $50 2-foot versions, so the $595 6-footers remain mostly the stuff of cuddlysweet fantasy.

At least two characters are available at Amazon, Target [the octopus-looking one who's "always bailing the other Uglydolls out of trouble"] and Wedgehead ["he understands you"]. If you're really buying a furniture-sized doll based on its "personality," though, I would really encourage you to wait. And see which one's most compatible with the kid.

Giant Uglydoll 6 Feet Tall, Wedgehead & Target$595 [amazon]
Kitetails Toys has 6-foot Babo, Wage, or Icebat for $599 +free shipping [kitetailstoys.com]
UglyCon image via moth at flickr [flickr]


there's a comic shop that sells ugly dolls and they have one of the 6' dolls on display. i asked them how much would the 6' one be and they replied it's not for sale but if it was it would be $500.

just thought you'd like to know.

there's a comic shop that sells ugly dolls and they have one of the 6' dolls on display. i asked them how much would the 6' one be and they replied it's not for sale but if it was it would be $500.

just thought you'd like to know.

Sooo good.

Makes me want to scrap the Eames rocker (fibreglass) in the sprog's room and simply throw the huge Wedgehead (his fav) into a basket frame - Papasan Chair stylie!

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