October 19, 2006

Speaking of Deals...

While I'm on the subject of deals and sales, Modern Child is running a sale through October, where the discount is based on the total order size. For example, a couple of pieces of minimalist clothing awesomeness from Tuss [say, $125 worth] would score you a 15% discount. But throw a Maartje Steenkamp childchildchair [$415] in your basket, and the discount jumps to 20%. Throw in three and, well, the more you buy, the more you save!

Wait, weren't those Steenkamp things supposed to be here already? Just asking [No, they were always for "oct/nov delivery," emphasis on the nov.]

see details on Modern Child's fall sale [modernchild.net]


So... if I buy enough, I can get a 100% discount?

Babydealz has Maclaren strollers at $$$ off:

Techno Classics for $199
Techno XTs for $239-$249
Quests for $162-$169
Triumphs for $129

and. . .Volos for $91.99 (some 2004s for $69)

I haven't found other retailers discounting as much lately. Although, they will be soon to make room for 2007s . . . right?

[sorry if posted twice- had to correct a price!]

Babydealz has Maclaren strollers at $$$ off with free shipping:

Techno Classics for $199
Techno XTs for $199-$249
(the $199 is a 2005 in Wisteria)
Quests for $162-$169
Triumphs for $129

and. . .Volos for $91.99 (some 2004s for $69)

I haven't found other retailers discounting as much lately. Although, they will be soon to make room for 2007s . . . right?

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