October 14, 2006

DWDC: Driving While Driven Crazy

Californians are all up in their own grilles over a new ban on cellphones while driving. From the LA Times:

The distraction caused by children is likely at least as serious a problem as cellphones. Unlike cellphones, it is not a problem that lends itself to public outrage or legislation.
The obvious solution would be for people to realize the problem--and the serious risk they pose when they're distracted by their kids--and take responsibility for themselves.

But the official recommendations for calming kids and not losing it yourself sound utterly ridiculous ["think about the tension draining from your body. Repeat 'I'm calm.' "], and old-fashioned rules, like making the kid walk home, would get you thrown in the slammer these days. And what do you do if the kid can't walk yet, only scream at the top of his lungs?

There've been times when I've been alone in the car when the kid's turned it up to 11, and I have had to consciously throw all pride and self-consciousness out the window, and just sing like a complete idiot, hoping to distract her and bring her down. It seriously felt like a matter of survival.

Little Monster of All Hazards [lat]


God forbid somebody in Los Angeles might have to pull the car over for a minute or two.

>> The distraction caused by children is likely at least as serious a problem as cellphones. Unlike cellphones, it is not a problem that lends itself to public outrage or legislation.

Hmmm... likely is not very scientific. The difference is that passengers in the car are more likely to be attuned to what's going on outside the car. So if you, for instance, swerve crazily the monsters in the back seat might be quiet for a second, whereas your friend on the phone would keep chatting your ear off.
Also most people's children do not distract the entire time they are driving, whereas many cell phone drivers do use the phone the entire time they're driving.
I am quite sick of being driven off the road by cell phone drivers swerving drunkenly into my lane. That happens to me at least weekly. I have not been run off the road by a parent disciplining their child to my knowledge. One horrible anecdote does not a trend make.

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