August 23, 2006

Nerdbaby Alphabet Flashcards


Alphabet flashcards are the new American Apparel t-shirts, the medium of choice for indie-designed baby stuff. Check out artist Tiffany Ard's nerd baby alphabet cards, for example. Ard has a lyrical, watercolor-y style that no doubt keeps her busy decorating nurseries and children's rooms, and which contrasts sweetly with the scientific content of these cards.

The variety of physics, astronomy, biology, and computer programming feels slightly scattershot and stretched sometimes [J is for Jovian Moons, not Jupiter, fine. But then why can't K be for Kuiper Belt instead of the clunkier "Kepler's 3rd Law"?]. The resulting list sounds a bit like what a 6-year-old showoff would come up with after a long afternoon reading the encyclopedia.

So instead of stigmatizing one specific science as nerdy, these cards expose the real root of nerdiness: reading books. Books are nerdy! Let's go shopping!

Nerd Baby Alphabet Cards, $30 [Hey, you go custom color print 26 pieces of art in small batches and then tell me how expensive it is, via dt reader christina]

1 Comment

Nerd Baby Alphabet Cards, $30 [Hey, you go custom color print 26 pieces of art in small batches and then tell me how expensive it is

It would be a lot cheaper if they just sold us the cards in a PDF file and had us print them at home ourselves...

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