July 5, 2006

Daniel Raeburn's NY'er Essay, "Vessels," Now Online--With A Followup

In the two months since it was published, I've probably received 300 requests from people looking for a copy of "Vessels," Daniel Raeburn's extraordinary New Yorker magazine essay about his and his wife's experience with their stillborn daughter, Irene.

So I'm really pleased to announce that the New Yorker has just published the essay online. So kudos to the magazine for publishing the piece in first place, and for continuing to make it widely available.

In addition, the New Yorker has published a followup essay by Raeburn--about the birth at the end of May of the couple's new daughter, Willa. So congratulations to the Raeburns, who may have a particular appreciation of the sleepless exhaustion of those first few weeks.


Irene Raeburn: born December 28, 2004; died December 24, 2004.
by Daniel Raeburn
Issue of 2006-05-01, Posted 2006-07-11

Willa Raeburn: Born May 22, 2006

by Daniel Raeburn
Issue of 2006-07-10 and 17, Posted 2006-07-03


You know, I'm almost happier for the Raeburns right now after reading this than I was even at my own children's births.

Thanks to NYer, and you too.

The first story made me cry, and this story made me cry ...

Kudos to Raeburn for being willing to share his family's pain and joy.

Beautiful writing.

Unbelievably, as part of the redesign of their website a couple of months ago, The New Yorker took "Vessels" offline again, replacing it with a purpose-written abstract.

It looks like DT is back in the business of sharing the office copy with you if you are unable to find it elsewhere. Please email if you need the article.

Even more inexplicably, the NY'er has removed even a search result reference to Raeburn's online-only followup. If you saved a copy of this text, please let me know.

I'm interested in reading Raeburn's online-only follow-up. Could you email, if possible? I just came across his first article today, which felt like an arrow to my heart and a big hug at the same time. I am 29. I am a writer. I am the mother of Hazel, our first child, stillborn in May. My husband and I are still dealing with the extreme poignancy of it all. I can't imagine putting it into words. The words of others helps for now.

Very happy to hear about the Raeburn's new addition to their family.

For anyone looking for a new link to Daniel's touching words about his daughter after New Yorker have moved it, it's here:


And here's the link to the words about the birth of his 2nd daughter, Willa:


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