June 14, 2006

Magnifique! Le Nouvelle Honda Accord Wagon


En fait, elle est inspiree par l'Acura TSX, mais le nom est l'Accord Tourer:

Aussi plaisante et racee que l'Accord 4 portes, l'Accord Tourer n'a pas grand chose a voir avec l'image stereotypee qu'on se fait habituellement d'un break. Elle integre des lignes fluides et des vitres laterales fuselees au service d'une aerodynamique record (CX de 0,32), des repetiteurs de clignotant esthetiquement disposes dans les retroviseurs exterieurs et une grande qualite des composants utilises. A l'arriere, les feux epousent parfaitement la courbure du hayon. Ce dernier empiete sur les cotes de la carrosserie pour renforcer le profil sportif. Toutes ces attentions conferent a l'Accord Tourer un look inimitable.


Le nouveau Moteur 2,2 litres Turbo-Diesel i-CTDI de Honda offre le meilleur compromis entre sobriete, couple, accelerations et emissions de CO2 (155 g/km) avec une puissance de 140 ch pour une consommation mixte de seulement 5.9 l / 100 km....

That translates to 40 mpg, by the way.

It's available now at a Honda dealer near you. If you're in Europe.

Honda Accord Tourer [honda.fr, thanks dt reader scott]
Honda Accord Tourer: "a genuine rival for the German marques" [timesonline.co.uk]


That's 40mpg using the kind of diesel that unfortunately won't be widely available in the US for a while. Hopefully these new turbo diesels will make their way to our market quickly after that.

That's 40mpg using the kind of diesel that unfortunately won't be widely available in the US for a while. Hopefully these new turbo diesels will make their way to our market quickly after that.

Sorry to add to the 25%.

In related small car news...I heard yesterday on NPR that the Cozy Coupe toy car is the best-selling car on the planet.

This thing has been on sale for a couple years in Japan, where the Acura TSX is sold in various Accord-branded flavors as well. It's pretty cool until you see it from the side, as it has a massive rear-wheel overhang. However, that's a problem with a lot of Japanese sedan-based wagons, and I suppose it's necessary to help keep a tight turning circle for Japanese road conditions.

The one I really think Honda should bring over is the Civic-platform-based Stream 7 seat mini-mini-van/wagon... only they have to name it something else that doesn't suggest urination...

This is exactly what I have been looking for. In October we bought te 06 Civic, which is great for 1 kid. We're planning (not yet) for another, and I think that a Civic is a bit small to schlep all the crap you need for a family of 4, but a minivan seems wasteful - don't even get me started on SUVs. I live in Canada, we're not crazy about SUVs.

Pourquoi n'avez vous pas traduit le texte? En tout cas, J'apprecie l'occasion de lire un peu de francais.

Thanks Greg! This is the station wagon designed to get me to stop craving a larger, possibly-SUVesque family vehicle. Now, how do we get them to bring it to the US???

Cam C., I found several articles online from the UK reviewing this model and according to the writers, this Accord's look has been streamlined and the rear-overhang thing adressed to produce very sleek lines. I'm the kind of girl that never looks at cars... but this one's got MY attention.

That looks like the original Oddessey, when they were first introduced.

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