May 16, 2006

Netto Cub-Scouting


I can still remember the sticker shock I got when I saw my first Netto Collection crib. You have to appreciate a bit that at the time we started crib shopping--late 2003, whoa, they grow up so fast-- there was approximately NO contemporary baby furniture out there. [I've since learned there was, in fact some, like Hiccup's Tall Grass crib, but still.]

While prices in the "quality" crib ranged around $700-900, NettoCollection was priced at $1300, almost a full Bugaboo Unit above the rest. The only other modern option, meanwhile, was Ikea, which was priced so low--like $85 or something--it seemed almost dubious, suspicious, even, and a little rickety.

Well, come this fall, Netto will introduce Cub, a collection of pine nursery furniture that's "based on the minimalist furniture of artist Donald Judd." As a big Judd fan myself--with his kid's very Judd-y toddler bed waiting to be picked up from the shop--I can totally appreciate that.

But with only the teaser brochure to go by, it's interesting, because with its super-spare lines, the plain or painted pine, the simple cutout handles, the Cub furniture looks less like classic Judd and more like classic Ikea.

So it's not Netto for people who don't want to pay Netto prices, it's Ikea for people who don't want to pay Ikea prices? That is freakin' brilliant.

Cub by NettoCollection is only in brochures at the moment
, which say the crib'll run $499, the dresser/changing table is $550, the toy box is $375, and the shelf is $299. For all-white. Add about $25 each for white/pine mixed. []

update: sheesh, the last two pictures on this site are horrible. My kingdom for a good flatbed scanner/laser printer (color or b/w) recommendation. Or at least a DT t-shirt.]


We got the IKEA Tassa crib for $119. It looks almost exaclty like this Cub. Before assembly, I gave it a good sanding and paintjob, but left the rails unfinished. It looks fresh. And it is not rickety at all. Actually, I was surprised at how sturdy it is.

I was hit with Netto sticker shock too. And was always griping about it, until I saw some pieces in person. It appears, on quick inspection, to be really well made, solid, and pretty good looking. The oeuf crib on the other hand, looked great in photos, but disappointed in person.

[very interesting, Ikea-hacking. And I agree with you on the Netto-in-person thing. The quality is very evident. As for the Oeuf, I don't have any qualms about the finish/quality on the ones I've seen. What I've found so interesting/bizarre, though, is that the kids these days with their Internet, are happy buying a big piece of furniture like a crib without seeing it in person. I'm a bit too much of a materials freak to be able to do that, I guess. -ed.]

Does IKEA still carry the Tassa crib? I don't see it posted on their site.

We looked and looked for cribs as well. My wife ixnayed the Oeuf as too "baby prison", along with the Community playthings cribs. I was also a bit dismayed at the $800 Oeuf prices I saw. Finally chose a not so modern but very sturdy non-drop sided number from local high end baby store. Spent around $600. Fast forward 3 months, same store now stock Oeuf, priced at $659! Then went to newly opened Ikea store and was very surprised how rugged their cribs actually are. The only drawback was they seemed a bit low to the ground for my reedy 6 foot 2 frame. If I had do-overs I would spring for the Ikea and put the difference towards a Moderno rocker.

[yeah, I forgot to add that we ended up with a plain-as-can-be Jenny Lind from ?? from Schneider's, for like $150. The same mfr's cribs are priced all over the map, though, up to $350 or so. Very weird. And Schneider's has shabby chic painters buy them, distress them, and turn them around for $1000-1500 all the time, he said. Then he harrumphed at me. -ed]

check out cub...affordable netto

[Yeah, I've heard rumors about that. -ed.]

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