Did you know the Quinny Buzz can help prepare your child for an exciting career in the off-shore oil rig operating and/or wheatgrinding industries?
Senna Pushing Stroller in Circle [youtube]
Did you know the Quinny Buzz can help prepare your child for an exciting career in the off-shore oil rig operating and/or wheatgrinding industries?
Senna Pushing Stroller in Circle [youtube]
I recently heard from a Dorel rep in the US that Quinny re-launches stateside end of this year at Specialty stores.
Now I see what my husband and I have to look forward to in about a year's time - We have a Buzz and love it. But our 3 month old isn't mobile yet. Whenever people stop and ask us about our stroller, the first thing I do is essentially what the kid is doing in that video. We're amazed by the turning radius!