March 20, 2006

DSW Shoes, 14 East 14th St at University Place - YES

Get this, some dude is posting about public men's rooms around town on his blog. Fuh-reeek!

Anyway, his photos of the pristine men's room in the back of the handbag section of this discount shoe store shows a changing table in the stall.

I want to tell you a secret
[ via curbed]


"some dude is posting about public men's rooms around town on his blog. Fuh-reeek!"

whatever. i'll let that slide.

but for your information, i tried to close the table (which was clean, by the way) but was unable to get it to securely close. i was going to include a shot of it but it didn't read well.

[yeah, at least you're not the kind of freak who GoogleMaps them, though. You got that on me. -ed.]

thats good info for pee

Google DT

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