February 26, 2006

Other Daddies Typing

A feature so irregular, I almost want to massage its lower abdomen gently with two fingers and pump its fat little legs to its chest. Anyway, here's what some other daddies typed about this week:

  • Clueless rough-housing or nefarious kiddie plot to thwart any possibility of sibling rivalry? The Bean's Dad's balls being beanballed by The Bean [thebeansdad]
  • That giant sucking sound you hear? Either the entire US Olympic Team [except curling] or all the dadbloggers shifting their posts to The Blogfathers. Or both. [BIYF]
  • At Bloggingbaby, Keith is not shocked, shocked that Mothering Magazine is shocked, shocked that Baby Einstein might not be the HOV lane to Princeton that its inventors [and its Disney overlords] claim imply want desperately for you to believe. [mothering via bloggingbaby]
  • Laid-Off Dad has rediscovered religion: he's been worshipping at the glowing flatscreen altar in the Holy Church Of The Electric Company. [Remember how the show was coming out on DVD?] [laidoffdad.org]
  • As he contemplates the arrival of the second kid [!?! dude, congratulations], Modern Day Dad asks the big questions. Among them: " how will this affect my Bugaboo?" [mdd]
  • Baby crying, parents not sleeping, milk not flowing, dad just wheezing? It's enough to turn a woman into a Mombie. So what does dad turn into? Why, a Poptard, of course. [mr nice guy]
  • When I needed to impress people at parties, I used to trot out the phrase "kinesthetic awareness," but now I'm going to switch to "proprioception." Sounds edgier. And speaking of edges, Eric writes about the tests they do with Celebrity Baby Odin for gauging his depth/edge perception abilities. Which reminds me of a whole study about kids having to relearn their whole sense of balance at every motor/developmental stage--sitting, crawling, cruising, walking--but now I can't find it. Anyone? [snowdeal.org]
  • Dutch zhoozhes [sp?] up his sleeves, powers down the iron, and unveils the latest incarnation of his Hipster Baby Tshirt Project--an Eames Lounge Chair & Ottoman. Fabulous. [sweet juniper]
  • BUT that doesn't mean he's gay. It just seems that way. [sweet juniper]
  • Oh, AJ, you know how to lure the links. With the funny-because-it's-true linklist, "Which daddy type are you?" [thingamababy]
  • On a more serious note, a contemplation of sticking with a single-child family. [Too bad, because I really like the names Huck and Gamera.] [thingamababy]
  • But I can see how a trawl through the photo submissions to Regis & Kelly's Beautiful Child Contest might convince you another kid's the last thing this world needs right now. [thingamababy, also, only one week left in the Thingamababy Ugly Child Contest]


    "Which reminds me of a whole study about kids having to relearn their whole sense of balance at every motor/developmental stage--sitting, crawling, cruising, walking--but now I can't find it. Anyone?"

    hey, i'd be interested in that too...

    "A feature so irregular, I almost want to massage its lower abdomen gently with two fingers and pump its fat little legs to its chest."

    HAHAHAHA! (Now excuse me while I clean the soda off my monitor.)

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