February 8, 2006

ducduc + DWR UES Sun. Feb. 12

ducduc_dwr.jpgApartment Therapy calls it a "design lecture," DWR calls it "brunch." I call it, "a tasteful orange cribload of bagels on my stoop."

But whatever it is, Brady Wilcox, David Harris, and Philip Erdoes, the co-founders of ducduc will be at DWR's East 62nd St Studio this Sunday, giving tips on sweet, sweet contemporary nursery design, and just shooting the breeze about "the best in colors, themes and furnishings for children’Äôs rooms." Some of which might just happen to be available right here at DWRjax...

Anyway the gig runs from 12-3, they ask that you kindly rsvp [it IS the upper east side, don't forget] by emailing the store at E62nd@dwr.com. Check the store page for more info.

Oh, and the answer, for those who can't make it Sunday, is orange.

ducduc [ducducnyc.com]
http://www.dwr.com/nyceast62.cfm">DWR Studio, 27 E 62nd St [dwr.com via dt reader caitlin]
Want to skip all the hoity toity hobnobbing? ducduc's online at joints like sparkability and designpublic.


Strangely, DWR doesn't even carry the orange crib. Maybe they (DWR) know something we don't about the NEW new color for fall.

[it's one of the most frequent complaints I've heard wrt DWRjax: their decision not to carry any cribs in their showrooms. I can see why, from a sq ft standpoint, but still. -ed.]

I just received this crib a couple days ago and it is awesome, very heavy, beatuiful and simple. Better than expected. It was a long wait, well worth it. Didn't buy it at DWR, but at www.minijakes.com. Color natural/white.

writing in from ducduc ’Äì thanks for the comments and interest, we appreciate it. unfortunately, the event on Sunday was snowed out (as was everything in NYC), but we’Äôll be rescheduling. and about the color orange ’Äì we sure wouldn’Äôt mind if it were all orange all the time, but apparently people want other colors as well. go figure.

[they just haven't been properly educated yet... -ed.]

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