January 27, 2006

1) Clorox 'Pacifier-Safe' Bleach, 2) Why Some Kids Like Salt

Mmm. Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface has the same stuff as regular disinfectant spray, just in lower quantities. So it kills bacteria, but not other small organisms. Like viruses and children. Mild enough to leave on a high chair tray or a pacifier without rinsing it off, Clorox Anywhere is no worse than drinking pool water, they say. [Which, depending on which Y you go to, is as sweet as mother's milk anyway].

In unrelated but [equally unappetizing-sounding] news, a new study reveals that some kids who are below average weight at birth may pick up a taste for salt while still in the womb. They deduced this by offering babies bottles of plain, salty, and double salty water, and measured how much they drank from each. May have something to do what foods the mother eats and, indirectly, with morning sickness.

Clorox offers 'light' bleach [azcentral.com]
Born To Love Salt [sciencenews.org]
Previously: Study shows kids' tastes are set in 3rd/"4th" trimesters

1 Comment

"...a new study reveals that some kids who are below average weight at birth may pick up a taste for salt while still in the womb..."

wow. finally a rationale! i tipped the scales at about 2 pounds 13 ounces ( 1200 grams ) at birth and odin weighed 1 pound 7 ounces ( 654 grams ) and we both crave the salt. seriously. salt is good. sugar is bad.

you think it's easy to find a steady supply of salt fish? it's not.

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