Chefs' children eat duck confit, not Go-gurt? No duh. Not quite sure what this article's about in the Times, but I know that we've had the kid sitting at the table and eating what we eat since the get-go. Still, one of the only green vegetables she eats is edamame [which she pops and devours, btw.]
Of course, the real problem, then, is what YOU eat. Note to self: stop buying Pringles.
Generation Pad Thai [nyt]
There are periodic demands for tarka dal (and onion bhaji, always the bhaji).
My son LOVES pad thai, and all sorts of things I never had when I was 25, much less 2.
I'm not sure how I feel about the writer looking over the poor mom's shoulder at her groceries though!
[at least she doesn't say, "Hello, Princess. Your mommy's not planning on feeding those Cheetos to you, is she?" -ed.]