Yes, all you suburbanites with your basement workshops and garages and such can chuckle silently to yourselves. Hell, laugh at the top of your lungs; no one'll hear you.
It turns out the banshee-like whine of a Dremel cutting through aluminum tubing in the kitchen not only wakes a kid up in the middle of the night--OK, 10 o'clock, but still--it freaks a kid out anytime.
The result: having a kid around turns out to be a serious impediment to making a toy stroller.
update: except for one axle, which is 1/4" steel, and is thus uncuttable using the Dremel bits I had with me, I got everything cut and fitted last night, just before we took off to the inlaws' for Christmas. It still needs to be glued and riveted, but the Mini-boo looks surprisingly good, which is a relief. After the jump: a quick list of what it entailed, plus a couple of photos:
google for 'quiet dremel' 'noisy dremel' and other such relevant topics and you will find some solutions on making that screamer a bit less obnoxious.
but i'm a suburbanite so i laugh and such.
[Is this a setup? I just imagine googling "guiet dremel" and getting a page full of "lololol's" -ed.]
You know, I've been expecting you to post something exactly like this since you announced this project...
I'm sure you'll find a way.
I don't know what kind of building you live in, but mine (which has a small staff, nothing huge or elaborate, but a FT super and a handyman) has a workroom in the basement. My dh has gone down there to use the circular saw, vise, and other tools. (He always comes back looking simultaneously wistful and mad-scientist gleeful - like a sad Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future.) Does yours have any space you can work in
[yes and no. I used the laundry room in the basement. All production took place in dc, not nyc, too. Since we're now at my in-laws' in Utah, I'm just posting an update on the kid's Channukah present. -ed.]
when are we going to see pictures?
so how tall does one have to be to push this stroller? it is looking pretty big ...
[actually, as I build it, I worry that it'll be too small/short. The pushing angle of the handle is tricky because it's not elongated like a Bugaboo handle is; the best I could figure is to get the handle close to vertical with the bottom edge of the basket. The kid's about 32" tall these days, so I've been building with that in mind. We'll see, though. -ed.]