December 1, 2005

Heath Ledger: Everything But Breastfeeding--And Changing Diapers

Witnessing the birth of his child made Heath Ledger rethink his previous definitions of masculinity in a way that playing a gay Wyoming sheep herder didn't. He ruminated a bit on the topic with a reporter from his hometown paper, the Perth Confidential.

Also, he sounds like he's doing a lot of the heavy lifting around the Williams-Ledger house: "My life right now is I wouldn't say reduced to food, but my duties in life are that I wake up, I cook breakfast, clean the dishes, prepare lunch, clean those dishes, go to the market, get fresh produce, cook dinner, clean those dishes and then sleep if I can."

Admirably close to the "Everything But Breastfeeding" gold standard, but no mention of changing diapers. Maybe he was just waiting for good old-fashioned, Aussie-style flushable gDiapers to go on sale online.

Waltzing home with Matilda [pc via heathbaby via cbb]

1 Comment


We'll get him up to his elbows in gDiapers soon enough - don't you worry about that.


[I'm sure. You crafty, inscrutable Australians don't have me fooled for a minute. -ed.]

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