November 8, 2005

Things I've Never Seen: Cats, Les Miz, Yoga Mamas

After not seeing Cats or Les Miz for a few years, every year that I still didn't see it became more significant. Not seeing it came to feel like an accomplishment; if I ever saw them now, it'd be quite a letdown.

Like how I felt when the word "dad" finally showed up in the last section of this thoroughly fabricated-by-some-publicist trend piece about Yoga Mamas. Yoga Mamas want nothing but the best for their kids, and they're ready to pay for it. [Oh, and marketers can only reach them on babycenter, and there's a new novel out called Yoga Mamas, but that's not important now.] So move over Soccer Moms and Nascar Dads, cuz there's a new phony demographic in town. [Nascar Dads was that sole mention, btw.]

In Hot Pursuit Of Yoga Mama
[businessweek/yahoo via Smith Frenzy]


I read the beginning of the article (ie organic cotton, natural soaps, formaldeyhyde free furniture, etc) and thought, this is us. We're Lohas ( But the rest of the article doesn't jive with the beginning. From a brand point of view, I don't think Patagonia and American Apparel organic cotton diaper shirts should be lumped in with diamond and emerald jewelry for babies.

Perhaps they're missing another demographic by lumping them all together?

And, boy, do these marketing types sure love catchy-phrased demographics :).

- Kirk.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this article, but why does this article seem faintly misogynistic to me? Ie. the mention about the superfit mothers "flaunting" their bulging bellies with--oh the horror--"low rise jeans". So things were so much better when pregnant women wore flowery mumus and didn't have the impertinence to expose their pregnancy to the rest of the world? Or how these mothers spend like lottery winners on their babies and toddlers..." How outrageous! How profligate! Maybe these mothers have the money to buy their Fleurville diaper bag over the Winnie the Pooh one at target? And of course, the time-honored criticism at the end of the article--these *mothers* are effing up their children with their uncontrollable spending. First of all, whereís the mention of the dads? And second of all, why is parenting (which in this case seems to be the sole responsibility of mothers) so open to public criticism. There are people who spend like ìlottery winnersî on their clothing, but no one cares if someone spends $1000 on a handbag, only if a mother dare spend $150 on a diaper bag. Back to Target, you uppity bitch!

Here in Canada, that group is called 'Yummy Mummys.' And marketers are trying to make me a part of it because I happen by age, income, education, etc., to fit the demographic. But I can't be bothered. I just can't get my head around spending $30 + on a t-shirt for my child when a Sears $5.97 turtleneck will cover her just as well. She'll grow out of it in a few months! Yes, I like the look of some of the expensive clothes but why should my child wear Rock n' Republic jeans when I don't own a pair?

I think my daughter will end up pretty well-adjusted without my spending a fortune to make sure she has the latest of everything. At 18 months old, I don't think she much cares if I'm carrying the right diaper bag or taking her to the right playgroup in the proper area of town with the right group of carefully groomed and interviewed toddlers. I think all a child wants is to be loved, clothed, fed and happy. And you can't put a price tag on giving a child a feeling of security and respect no matter what the yoga mamas, yummy mummys or marketers of the world say.

Is there something wrong with me for not wanting a winnie the pooh diaper bag? Good Grief! I am a grown woman, I would think there was something wrong with me if I insisted on wearing cartoon characters on all of my clothing and possesions.
And for that matter, I didn't want the free insipid light blue and yellow one the hospital gave out either. It is sad that high style and design tends to cost more than tacky, ugly stuff, but I have learned to live with it and choose to buy items that affordable to me, and pass on others. The LLBean boat and tote makes a darn fine diaper bag, so does my husbands 10 year old timbuk2 courier bag.

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