September 30, 2005

Mmm, Maxi-Cosi... Get. Into. My. Volvo.

volvo_v70xc_rear_seat.jpgIn my sister-in-law's Ford Escort, the rear shoulder belt was just barely long enough to wrap around our Maxi-Cosi Cabrio car seat. Every once in a while, I'd have to lean on the Cabrio, pressing it into the cushion to get the buckle in.

In a few other cars, meanwhile, like DT reader David's Volvo v70XC ["Sorry, no E55 Seal Super Wagon."], the seat belt can be too short by an inch or more, and the Cabrio won't go in at all. [See above. Note: not David's actual car.]

David found a solution, although it's one that might require you to leave your affable chattiness behind when you call the Parts Department:

Thanks to the American with Disability Act, most car manufacturers offer seat belt extenders (at no cost). Volvo part #6812818 clips into the existing buckle, and rises up about five inches. With a Munchkins seat pad, the set up works great in the middle, rear seat of our v70XC.

Also, I made the mistake of telling the parts manager at our local dealership about the problem (euro car seat that does not fit euro car?!#%$#). Silly me. He would not order the part for me because they are only to be used for the front driver/passenger seats. No rear seat applications, and no car seats. Whatever, I just called another dealer, kept my mouth shut, and had the part in three days, no questions asked.
Coming next week: Using a car seat to score sweet parking spots right near the front of wherever you go.

Previous posts about the Maxi-Cosi Cabrio
Need a Maxi-Cosi? Try
Need a Volvo V70 XC? Try ebaymotors. With the new models, you can have V70 OR XC, but not both.


I noticed the same thing with the Volvo V50. I tried to strap in our MaxiCosi at last years autoshow and it wouldn't fit. At the time it seemed very odd that a Euro carmaker known for safety would have this problem. Compliments to David for finding a solution. I ultamitely gave up my dark plans to buy the AWD version of the V50, all for a carseat...

We have an 850, which is the same as the V70XC- the Maxi Cosi does fit, but it couldn't be tighter. Try running the belt underneath the big round knuckle where the handle attaches to the bucket. That gives you a critical extra inch or so. You have to tip the seat forward to get the shoulder belt into the back hook, and then really pull the whole thing back against the belt and wedge it down to get it to sit flat.

Being so tight makes it harder to install, but the seat is much more secure once it's in. It doesn't move at all.

Where can I locate a Cabrio/Bugaboo car seat adaptor?
We're expecting our second child early next year, have the Cameleon, and are in the market for a carseat. For our son, we had the Maxi Cosi Priori (in black leather, which was sadly stolen from our car!) which we loved and want to get the Cabrio for the new baby.
Would you recommend the Cabrio/Cameleon combo? Does the Cabrio need a base? Also, we have a Volvo S80 and wonder if anyone has had any problems fitting the Cabrio into the S80.
Any thoughts and advice would be helpful.

[condolences, but I'm still laughing at the idea of a thief throwing his back out, trying to run off with a 100 lb Priori...

The Cabrio adapters for the Cameleon are the same as for the Frog; they should be available online all over Maxi-Cosi-land (i.e., EU). The Frog/Cabrio combo was nirvana, especially for flying or taxicabbing.

The Cabrio doesn't require a base. And if you wait until Nov.--or so
they say--you can get a Cabrio with ISOFIX/LATCH attachments. Something else to look into. -ed.]

Just an FYI, the Cabrio fits pretty well in our RX330. It also fits in our X5 but not as snug. Both in the outboard positions. The center isn't snug at all.

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