September 28, 2005

Audi A6 Avant Puts Other Wagons En Garde


In the LA Times today, Dan Neil gives the newly redesigned Audi A6 Avant some of the highest praise a wagon--or any car, for that matter--can get:

...quietly gorgeous...

... While other companies agonize over their "crossover" designs ó too many of which come off as ugly and oversized, the wagon as orthotic footwear ó the Audi A6 Avant once again demonstrates that a fast station wagon with all-wheel drive is the ultimate road vehicle...

The Avant's interior space and cargo capacity rival the much larger, much heavier VW Touareg. Says Neil, "If you are a pharmaceutical rep racking up hundreds of miles a week, I think I've found your car."

The Audi Allroad, which I loved, but which was a bit problematic--and achingly expensive to repair, according to my brother and a good friend whose family has been spending vacations at the Audi dealer--has been discontinued for 2006, leaving just the Avant. $60,000 out the door.

Wagon Without A Hitch [lat]


I can highly recommend the Audi Avant RS6. You can toy with the Porsche's and still got enough room for a few kids. But it's missing from the 2006 lineup.


[Yeah, I wondered where that was. the RS6 rocks. -ed.]

4.6 inches of ground clearance doesn't cut it where I live. Quattro seems to be evolving into a wet-weather performance feature. At best, it's a nicely plowed snowy road feature.

The 2WD 3-series has about 5 inches of clearance (or the E46 did, anyway)

Doesn't the Outback have 8 inches of clearance? That's more like it in my world.

Diesel X3 anyone?

PS: I'm bitching about a car that I can't afford anyway, so maybe I'm not the target consumer.

[I thought that seemed kind of low/odd. But everyone I've ever known with an Allroad has had problems with the lowrider-like adjustable height suspension, so maybe they were stuck. -ed.]

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