September 18, 2005

No Maxi-Cosi For Canada This Year, Either

Note to car seat manufacturers: What happens in Las Vegas does NOT, in fact, stay in Las Vegas. It sounds like the Maxi-Cosi Cabrio will not be coming to Canada until 2006, at the earliest. Here's what we hear over the fence from DT reader Jolene:

I spoke to the owner of Kids Furniture Gallery in Edmonton yesterday, she had just returned from a Baby Expo in Vegas last week. She spoke to the Canadian rep from Dorel, and was told that the Maxi Cosi had not been CSA approved this time around. They are not expecting it to be available in Canada until 2006. Sad news! On a brighter side...Sears is now selling the Dreami for those Buzz owners that can't wait to use their strollers until the baby is 6 months. It is $199.99 regular price and comes in blue. It comes with many pieces...adaptors? and a really nice blue fleece blanket/sleeping bag to keep the baby warm.
Those Canadians, always looking for the blue fleece lining.

Meanwhile, I looked at the Canadian Standards Association's product certification process, and, um, it sounds pretty straightforward. And it's not like it's Cirque du Soleil, holding one audition a year, and if you don't make it, you're juggling on a Rotterdam street corner until next time. So Dorel, what exactly did happen in Las Vegas? Hmm?


We had our Maxi-Cosi Cabrio shipped over with our Cameleon. I think the price worked out to be $110 US, plus a portion of the shipping (maybe $25 since the seat is so lightweight). We also had it shipped with the Bugaboo adapters.

The seat works great, even better with one of those "seat pad" things underneath it to keep it from sliding around on leather seats.

How do we get it to work in the backseat of our Volvo V70 XC? Stay tuned.

Side note: I went by our local "baby rip-off store" CitiKids last week. Cameleons are going for $879. But wait, the colored fleece set is an extra $99! A little note on the price tag mentions that the thing is worthless without the fleece set...what a scam.

[Actually, it should come with one fleece set for $879; an additional fleece set, sold separately, should be $99. In a way, then, if you factor in the fleece, the stroller is $779, only $50 more than the Frog. You can't afford NOT to buy it! -ed.]

The CSA isn't the body that certifies car seats, Transport Canada is. They are a PITA to work with. Even getting a straight answer from them is next tom inpossible. It took the Marathon forever to get certified here, and a lot of US seats are rumored to have failed testing (like the Triumph)

[Ah. Well there you go. I was wondering why the closest CSA category I could find was either hockey helmets or playground equipment. -ed.]

The Roundabout was just approved for sale in Canada recently -- this is a year after it was first expected on the Canadian market. As a side bar, the sale of the Cameleon has also been held up in Canada do to safety testing. Originally it was supposed to hit the stores in September. The new date is closer to January 2006.

I live in Vancouver, BC and I love my Maxi Cosi Cabrio which I bought on ebay. Today, I had my first bit of unsolicited "advice" from a saleswoman at TJ's The Kiddies Store on Marine Drive (their customer service sucks on most days...but non-existent is preferable to aggressive and hostile). She asked where I had gotten the seat and I said it was from The Netherlands sooo...."Have you registered it with ICBC? You should. Is this the one without the base? IT'S GOT TO HAVE A BASE."

I know it's "illegal" in Canada. I also know that it's invaluable on the international flights and cabs that we've been on and in, that EU standards are higher than N. American ones. It's miles better than the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio that we started with. And I really know that a big target stuck on your forehead comes along with the baby and all kinds of strangers know better than you what's best for your baby, the planet and humanity in general.

I called Dorel and find out when Maxi-Cosi Mico is coming to Canada. They say it will be early 2008. i really like this seat and hope to get when it will available in Canada.

THE NEW QUINNY WITH MEMORY FOAM AND THE MAXI COSI SEAT ARE FINALLY IN CANADA! It is in the new 2008 Sears Catalogue, call the baby deptartment, I just ordered mine tonight! It comes in penguin and orange and red!

I am sorry to say, I too was so excited to see the Maxi Cosi in the 2008 Sears Catalouge and ordered mine as well. However, I received a call from Sears Canada yesterday afternoon telling me they were unable to complete my order since this item was not being released by the manufacturer until late January (the 25th I think). What a gong show! I cancelled my order.

Just got off the phone with Sears Canada and the Maxi Cosi is on back-order until May 2008! We ordered the Buzz and the baby is due in March! Anyone know of another dealer for this carseat?

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