May 22, 2005

Freakonomic Bugaboo-Bashing

I'm so over these Freakonomics freaks, in part because of the whole "a little knowledge" smugness they inspire in people. Like this Chicago Sun-Times writer Debra Pickett, who now wants to get slaphappy on the dopes who use carseats and those chump parents in "Strollerville," [presumably some child-filled area of Lincoln Park. Any Chicagoans there to help me out?] who insist on taking their children to museums and reading books to them:

It would only take a minute to highlight the passage in which a regression analysis of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study demonstrates that neither having a stay-at-home mother nor visiting museums on a regular basis significantly improves a child's performance in school.

But, really, who I am to point out to my Bugaboo-owning neighbors that all their child-rearing angst might be for naught?

Naturally, the Freaks loved it.

Injecting some Freakonomics into everyday life [freakonomics blog]
What, you want to buy the book anyway? OK...


I have several unwritten rules for judging whether an opinion piece in the newspaper should never have been published... one of them is if the writer mentions her upcoming wedding and hints at how expensive and fabulous it will be...

And just out of curiousity, don't most US states have car seat laws? Up here I think you need to strap the kids in until 5 or 6... of course, we Canadians are all intolerable socialists... :)

"It would only take a minute to highlight the passage in which a regression analysis of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study demonstrates that neither having a stay-at-home mother nor visiting museums on a regular basis significantly improves a child's performance in school."

Sorry, I have to leave in less than one minute. Since the only reason to have a stay-at-home caregiver or go to museums is to improve a child's performance in school. We had a kid so my wife would have a regular museum companion, actually, so it's working out great.

maybe your wife's test scores have improved?

Hey, I read Tipping Point, I read Mind Wide Open, but I need a break from these breezy pop. science/econ/sociology books that make you feel all in the know without expending any effort.

Presumably "Strollerville" is a take on Streeterville, which is the part of downtown Chicago near the John Hancock Building. But I think she is referring to the actual Lincoln Park Park, where the lake and Lincoln Park Zoo are located. How dare those parents take their kids to the park and zoo!

What a sad pathetic life this woman lives to be checking out everyone's car seat with such smug-ness. We bought an expensive car seat because it's safe and please, let's be honest, because it LOOKS COOL in our BMW! We bought the Frog because it LOOKS COOL and is the only stroller to handle the terrible JAGGED SIDEWALKS IN LINCOLN PARK! Ok, now I feel better. Thanks for letting me vent! I'm always amazed at people who, if they were successful, wouldn't have time or interest in writing full articles on these subjects.

[Thanks for helping stamp out the less-affluent jealousy disguised as smugness which has been terrorizing Lincoln Park. -ed.]

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