January 10, 2005

Rock Star Baby Pictures


Yeow. Sometimes you just don't know how they'll turn out.

That's Bono. There's Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Manson, Gwen Stefani, Gene Simmons... Isn't it weird how The Edge looks the same, though?

Bebes do rock part I
Bebes do rock part II [via metafilter]


Hey Greg,
Your inobx is full, so I thought I would post this here:

I came across this article this morning and thought you might be interested in it:


Iím constantly irritated over the ways the Marketing Machine always makes dads look like dumb asses. Itís blatant stereotyping (which N.O.W. would FREAK over if it was reversed and done to moms), yet people just think, ìOh ha ha ñ those Dads; arenít they so silly and useless?!î As a competent mom, (who, >shock gaspHey Greg,
Your inobx is full, so I thought I would post this here:

I came across this article this morning and thought you might be interested in it:


Iím constantly irritated over the ways the Marketing Machine always makes dads look like dumb asses. Itís blatant stereotyping (which N.O.W. would FREAK over if it was reversed and done to moms), yet people just think, ìOh ha ha ñ those Dads; arenít they so silly and useless?!î As a competent mom, (who, >shock gasp

Actually, if you just look at the features individually, that TOTALLY looks like Bono. Of course, you have to have seen Bono sans the sunglasses to realize that the eyes and mouth are the same.

Those pictures make me feel so sad, beautiful kids whose lives (well, some of them anyway) turned so bad.

bono baby is sooooooooo cute!!!!

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