September 26, 2004

Brain, Child looks at Dad, Child

I found out about Brain, Child magazine in a comment on Rebel Dad. It looks very thoughtful and well-done, and hats off to anyone who actually launches a magazine successfully these days.

The latest issue has a long article on dads getting more involved in raising their kids, focusing on the stay-at-home-dad as the corollary to the stay-at-home-mom. Rebel Dad's none too pleased with some of the logic and the statistics, and the mom/wonk at Half Changed World asks the tough editorial question, "Why are there practically no SAHD accounts discussed in the piece?"

Everything I've seen of Brain, Child points to a conscientious and smart operation, so if there are shortcomings, they're not systemic (*cough* Parenting *cough*). Still, it seems like there's quite a ways to go before thinking about mothers involves thinking about fathers, too.

Dad Buys Cereal [Brain, Child]
Synopsis and refutations on RebelDad, now-that-you-mention-it omissions on Half Changed World


Long time, first time.

My wife's 6 mos. and change pregnant, so I'm in full prep/research-mode. I found Brain, Child last year when looking for a gift for a friend (and her newborn) -- got her a year's subscription. It's a bit of a voice in the wilderness, but in the best possible way.

I've found that it can be a bit hit or miss (more hit than miss), but it's one of the only publications out there that deals with parenting in terms of ideas and ideals -- as opposed to running pieces along the lines of "How to clean your baby's snot with your hands full". And, while that type of advice is useful, it doesn't necessarily warrant 1,000 words and a double-truck headline.

I haven't yet read the particular issue of Brain, Child to which you refer, but the magazine is consistently worth a read.
The Utne Reader also occasionally devotes a good bit of space to pieces re: child rearing. Again, even those are hit or miss, but as with Brain, Child, Utne is generally thoughtful and well put-together.

I haven't read the article yet, so this isn't at all a comment on that specific article. I was recommending Brain, Child to a friend the other day, and realized that what I love the very most about it: They have no real agenda except the exchange of ideas and writing by real parents for real parents. So there are a variety of viewpoints represented. Sometimes I read an article and think, "This person is so deluded," but more often than not I'm either laughing or crying or just thinking about something I've never considered before. Like the idea of the juxtaposition of the Small and the Big as the crux of parenthood.

Do I have a point? Oh, yeah. I think if the article really bothers a SAHD, said SAHD should write something in response, because Brain, Child would probably publish it, and we'd all be better for it.

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