September 1, 2004

Grrrr, If she's so tired, why won't she go to sleep??

I mean, I've explained the situation to her multiple times. The signs are obvious. She's not having fun playing, in fact, she's just fussy and constandly rubbing her eyes. Yet she can spot a "put you to sleep" gesture a mile away now (pacifier, blankie thing, putting her on her back), and she fights them. And flips over and grabs at some toy that she doesn't really want to play with.

Logic, people. And Priorities. Doesn't she know my Diet Coke is getting warm? Ummm, let me get back to you.


Will's still too young to realize these things as he's only 3mo. But man....if only he went to sleep instead of getting fussy about it. ;) He'd sleep so much more!

Of course, this is coming from someone who loves a good 8 hour resting period - well, I used to.

I can't wait until he starts learning his signs from his current favorite "Signing Times" DVD. Then maybe he can tell us what's wrong.

The youthful heir (10months) has come to the conclusion that if a pacifier is a signal that it is time to sleep, the same pacifier chucked on the floor means no sleep, ever.

Mine has gotten quite good at the projectile launching of a pacifier using his tongue. *sigh*

Welcome to the club... been dealing with the sleep fight for quite a while... eventually they just cave, but sometimes there's the added bonus of screaming beforehand.

Hey, I have that exact same model of baby. I think this is a bug -- I'm waiting for the upgrade. The earlier model (which we've had for six years) never did this. She would just go to sleep when she was sleepy.

Chris - I'm being told this is a feature specifically added for parental training...whatever that means.

We had the same nap-time issues with our 3 m.o. daughter so I just put the vacuum on in her room and the white noise put her to sleep.

After nearly wearing out the vacuum I decided to record the sound and put it on CD, which works quite nicely everywhere we go now.

We learned fairly early on that the more tired our daughter is, the worse she sleeps. It's a total catch-22. The trick is to put her to bed earlier, or to get better at noticing the early signs of sleepiness. Once she's caught up on her sleep, she sleeps *more* and more soundly, so everybody's happy.

We got a book called something like "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" or something along those lines... it's a godsend. All the other parenting books (and believe me, we read ALL of them) are hit-and-miss when it comes to sleep.

We were reading Brazelton last night, and it's so dead-on accurate a description of what she does, it's like he's following us around or something. He may be out there right now...

We've been traveling so much lately that it's hard to keep to her sleeping routine, which is helping her at night. During the day, though, she's just so excited/frustrated to do/see things, she can't go to sleep in spite of herself.

Of course, when she finally does--and wakes up--she's all happy. It's like a clean reboot.

we've been trying to follow the eat - activity - sleep pattern from The Baby Whisperer and other books, and at two months our boy's pretty good at putting himself to sleep when he's tired.

in fact if we try and hold him to go to sleep like we used to, he cries. but if we put him down, he lays quietly for a few minutes then goes to sleep.

and he sleeps for 4-6 hour stretches overnight, and doesn't get all awake either; he eats and goes back to sleep!

took my wife some patience to get to this, but it seems to work... for now anyway...

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