June 9, 2004

Calacanis gives up on Denton, Comes After Me

After getting crushed by crushing Nick Denton and his Gawker-led blogging empire, the notoriously media-whoring SoHo House lush with a blog or two, like a floorful of Cheerios, Jason Calacanis has moved into my sandbox. Weblogs, Inc. just launched bloggingbaby.com.

I look forward to many playdates, Jason, but I should warn you, there's no money here, either....

[updated as per Ye Emperor Calacanis' Aeternal Wifdom and Ineftimable Logick. Plus, we don't want to get him mad; it might wake up the kid.]


Wow.... this is the first time I've seen your site.. it's great! Congrats on it.

Not sure how we got "crushed" by Denton.... we get as much traffic as Nick (except for his porn site!), and we've been around for Wow.... this is the first time I've seen your site.. it's great! Congrats on it.

Not sure how we got "crushed" by Denton.... we get as much traffic as Nick (except for his porn site!), and we've been around for

Money? who cares about money... we're doing this because we love blogs!

all the best, jason

Alls I know is, picking a fight with you makes for good press.

Plus, I just wanted to use the Cheerios bit without saying Daddy Types was gonna do the crushing. Now that the kid's arrived, I have to be on my best behavior

Now that is funny!

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