O forgive me, for I am a weak and imperfect man who is unable to resist temptation--especially when it is placed right before me on AKGovSarahPalin's
Quitter Twitter:
Great day w/bear management wildlife biologists; much to see in wild territory incl amazing creatures w/mama bears' gutteral raw instinct to...via the awl, who points out that GovSarahPalin's AK has declared open season on mama bears and cubs alike.
protect & provide for her young;She sees danger?She brazenly rises up on strong hind legs, growls Don't Touch My Cubs & the species survives...
& mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything; biologists say she works harder than males, is provider/protector for the future...
Yes it was another outstanding day in AK seeing things the rest of America should see;applicable life lessons we're blessed to see firsthand