Maybe 75%. Mister Jalopy calls the mmk_kobayashi's 4,000-strong collection "the best flickr stream ever." [uptone at the end, there: "ever?"] Also, tasteless, hilarious, and "sporadically NSFW."
Well, I was selflessly pulling out kid-related links last night, when I realized the easiest thing to do would be to just point to kobayashi's gaki tag. Gaki rhymes with cocky, not khaki, and it means "kid." A great word I'd forgotten, but which could really come in handy these days.
Anyway, that's still nearly 200 photos, only a couple dozen of which would start your officemates a-wondering. If that's still too many, here are a few kid-highlights [sic]:
mmk_kobayashi's photos tagged with "gaki", some NSFW [flickr via dinosaursandrobots]
Greg, I get a "mmk_kobayashi is no longer active on Flickr" message when I visit these links. Did Daddytypes take down the great Kobayashi?
[whoops. my bad. -ed.]
Man, I think Daddytypes did take down the great Kobayashi! He was there yesterday, but no longer today. :( It's quite sad, but I suspect that many of those images were copyrighted, and maybe all the attention raised some flags.
He got DaddyDotted!