September 14, 2015

Canadian Doctor Cures Dad's Earwax With This One Weird Trick

Was this scientific breakthrough suppressed for nearly ten years, or was it merely published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, where no one notices it?

A 45-year-old male complained of a profound reduction in his left ear acuity while staying at an island cottage in rural Ontario. His hearing loss was reducing his ability to hear his newborn son cry in the middle of the night, requiring his wife to carry out all late-night child care. As a result, correction of the problem was considered urgent.


The patient later reported a resumption in his nighttime ability to hear his infant son crying, which led to his being able to promptly jump out of bed and attend to his son's needs, excluding breast-feeding. This return to normal enhanced the state of their marital bliss on this island location.

If only they'd published a YouTube video of the earwax removal, this would have gone viral in like a week.

Keegan, D., Bannister, S.; A novel method for the removal of ear cerumen, CMAJ vol. 173 pp. 1496-7, Dec. 6, 2005 [ via dt reader kelly]

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