I love thinking about the Thai workers who had so much fun handcrafting this toy for my kid pic.twitter.com/UvL6sxT0FH
— Gabriel Roth (@gabrielroth) January 17, 2015
@gregorg @gabrielroth @daddytypes A doll so magical as to relieve bourgeois guilt. Worth tracking down.
— Dana Vachon (@danavachon) January 17, 2015
Indeed. Some internet digging on the "Urban Oasis" visible on the label turns up a toy and accessories company called Nook Nook was havin' a blastselling patchworky stuffed animals on an iBooks bookshelf-lookin' website.
According to Mari's excited 2011 post at smallforbig,
Each item is handmade by a family-run workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand and supports the amazing skills inherent to people of the area. The quirky fabric combinations are uber-charming [!! heart emoji smiley face]Yeah well, looks like the fun ended last fall. Sadface emoji.
a little look at handmade nook nook [smallforbig]
Sept 2014 | nook nook critter dolls! [captured via internet archive]