Beauty's where you find it,
Not just where you bump and grind it.
Here is a kindergarten class performing Madonna's "Vogue."
And here is a YouTube commenter commenting on it:
Good to know there are people out there teaching their students about true good music, not like that Justin Bieber crap...But Rogers & Hammerstein's OK. The class's big "follow-up to Vogue" was "So Long, Farewell," from The Sound of Music.
And here is a performance from last month of Where The Wild Things Are in which the wild rumpus is a dance remix of Madonna's "Holiday."
And it ends with, "And they lived happily ever after. The End." Which, I can't even. If only I'd stopped at, "I'd like. To stay. And taste my first champagne. NO!" [thanks, thanks a lot dt reader eric]