This GPS teddy bear waves its paws to tell you the direction to your destination. And when you miss a turn, it mocks you.
And when it mocks someone with a handgun, he shoots it in the forehead. [Wait, when did they get handguns in Japan?]
According to Kawasaki-based manufacturer iXs Research, this kind of robot assisted "motion media" is meant to augment existing audiovisual modes of navigation assistance. I guess if it's even 10% less annoying than that voice in the Hertz Neverlost system ["Right. Turn. A. PROACHING."], it'll be a winner. iXs is demo'ing the thing Nov 3-4 at the Kawasaki Jitaku Koen [Home Park].
Navirobo GPS Teddy Bear Prototype [my dad saw it on cnet, who got it from engadget, who had the same right-between-the-eyes punchline, sigh]
"Navigate by motion: Navirobo" []