As DT reader Throkky pointed out, this new/coming soon product from Phil & Teds, the Latte Shaker, looks like it's actually not new, at all. The patented Umix Travel Bottle [above left, er, I mean, right] has been around for several years already.
Of course, P&T has folded other companies' products into its own mix already: that Me Too portable chair [visible in the background; those baby dolls are sitting in them] was an independent product which, according to P&T/Regal Lager, they manufactured for the founders [and handled non-US markets for], but who were recently bought out.
But I don't think that's what happened here. The Umix website touts their product's new distribution agreement with another company seeking to create an umbrella baby brand, Sunshine Kids [of folding carseat fame]. [Note to Sunshine: I love the car seat, but the retail presence design round goes to Phil & Teds.]
This may all be insider baseball, [or insider curling, depending on your interest level] But the Baby Industrial Complex's conventional wisdom seems to be that single-product or even single-category companies still don't have a chance, and that conglomerated, integrated brands and lifestyle solutions are where it's at. Or that people just want the cupholder--and the bottle--to match the stroller.
Meanwhile, as another reader pointed out in email, the Mutsy folks might be calling to get their emoticonny logo concept back:

Guess I won't be leveraging the glowing posts for giant ad campaign sales this week.