[via robotwisdom] From ABC News, a story about the delivery at a Florida hospital of BabySIM, a $52,000 pediatrics training robot:
At 21 pounds and 28 inches in length, BabySIM has the physical characteristics of a three- to six-month old infant, but its fat little belly is stuffed full of computer parts.BabySIM was developed by Medical Education Technologies, Inc., the leader in the pediatric simulation robotics industry.The infant can pitch a fit, wet a diaper, has a strong pulse, heart functions, eyes that dilate and blink, sneeze, drool and react to medical treatment and drugs. It can be a girl or a boy. It can also die if the doctors, nurses and paramedics who train on the simulated infant make a serious mistake.
For more information visit METI.com or iwantmybabysim.com. No kidding.
Other baby robot-related news: British Crackbabybots; Cinnamon, the Stroller Test Dummy; Scottish Queer Eye guys adopt robotbaby.