April 18, 2005

From The Gospel According To People Magazine

I'm on a work-related deadline, so posting may be a little light today.

Fortunately, The angels have blessed the comments section on Daddy Types with the heartfelt stylings of Ms. Vivian Taube. Since she speaks so eloquently for herself, I see no need to turn the comments on.

By way of introduction, Vivian explains her connection to Casey Affleck's kid Indiana August, whose birth was mentioned here on Daddy Types last year:

I learned about Casey, Summer's pregnancy, and Indiana being born, last year, when I was writing 23 volumes of poetry called, "Phoenix Rising," dedicated to her brother, River, naturally... it turns out that when Indiana was being born in Amsterdam, River's spirit came to me, while I was writing all these poetry, and "bid" me to "live on" for him, as he stood under a tree on the family ranch in Micanopy, Florida, which he'd bought in the 80s. It is where his ashes are scattered. I have never been, personally, but it would be nice!
It would be very nice, I'm sure. Do go on...

Casey should marry Summer, already. He proposed for Christmas of 2003--three months after he got Summer pregnant--and it is "high time" he married her, already! I think this guy's got a drinking problem, too, like his brother, Ben--and neither of them are in sobriety! Ben has broken two engagements to Jennifer Lopez, costing her a million dollars, last time, and Marc Anthony "moved in" right away. He's also broken one to Gwyneth Paltrow, due to his drinking, I believe. Casey does not seem to have fallen far from the tree, so to speak. I learned about Casey, Summer's pregnancy, and Indiana being born, last year, when I was writing 23 volumes of poetry called, "Phoenix Rising," dedicated to her brother, River, naturally. It didn't "register," then, that she was pregnant at that moment--just at some time--and it turns out that when Indiana was being born in Amsterdam, River's spirit came to me, while I was writing all these poetry, and "bid" me to "live on" for him, as he stood under a tree on the family ranch in Micanopy, Florida, which he'd bought in the 80s. It is where his ashes are scattered. I have never been, personally, but it would be nice! And when I agreed to "live on" for him, in spirit, that lifted the worst of my depression, and I'd been suicidal that winter, because of my being rejected from the winter retreat, mostly, and residency from Deer Park Monastery, in Escondido, California, where Thich Nhat Hanh was leading the three-month retreat, because of "difficulties," namely PTSD I've had since the 70s, when my father beat me, and when I ran away, I was molested, sexually. I'd "fallen" for a River-lookalike there, David Viaforo, who was only 23--and River had OD'ed outside The Viper Room at 23, I later learned--and that didn't seem like a coincidence to me! I've been in sobriety since November 15, 1993, which is the day they signed his autopsy, after two weeks, and finally let his mother, Arlyn Phoenix, see the body. An article on Anthony Fox, who was Johnny Depp's partner in the club, and who'd "mysteriously disappeared," near Christmas, 2001, after suing Depp for money, "reminded" me, last spring, that River OD'ed in 1993. I needed "reminding," because of my PTSD. I have since written Depp, via the club, and he finally gave his share, 51 percent, to Anthony Fox's daughter, Amanda, who was only about 16, when he "disappeared!" FYI, Indiana August Affleck was named for River Phoenix's character in the "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" movie, too, not George Lucas's dog, but I know that is whom Lucas named his and Steven Spielberg's character in the movies and TV versions. River was born on August 23rd, 1970, hence the baby's middle name! If you know Casey and Summer, and I presume you do--let them know how I feel. Sincerely, Vivian Taube :)
Dear Vivian,

Thanks for your vivid comments on my blog. While I can totally see how my linking to a wire service press release might lead you to think I might know the Phoenix-Afflecks, I must confess that I don't. At present, I have no plans to meet them.

If you haven't picked up a copy yet, I would encourage you to read Pale Fire, by Vladimir Nabokov. It is also a story of a poet, and it happens to be a favorite of Steven Soderbergh, the director of Ocean's Twelve. Something tells me you'd really like it.

Thanks again for your comments, and please accept my sincerest wishes for your peace and health.

Greg Allen
daddytypes.com ;)

Related: The Amazon Reviews of Ms. Vivian Taube

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