June 21, 2004

A Variety of Memory Book Options

A couple of Daddy Typers in Hotlanta emailed asking about memory books, those keepsake photo/big event albums for recording a kid's life until he's old enough to blog it for himself.

anne_geddes_plush.gif, from annegeddes.comI have to confess my ignorance of the memory book landscape, though. Since we'd been given an elegant white leather-covered memory book, full of lushly photographed children in adorable "now why didn't I think of that?" situations (by the grande dame of photographic baby cuteness, Anne Geddes) by a close family member, we felt no need to go looking for another.

If you're not as lucky as we, and your burning need for a memory book remains unquenched, here are a couple of options:

  • My First Five Years - Nursery Room Edition: A Record of Early Childhood, by Anne Geddes. While not nearly as deluxe-looking as the one we received, this book still has enough babies-dressed-as-bunnies to get the job done.
  • Our Precious Baby, from Precious Momentsô. Isn't it comforting to know that there's a corporation out there who provides saucer-eyed children to accompany you through every possible occurrence in your life? [They also sell strollers.]
  • babys_first_tattoo.jpg If, as it turns out, you have a heart of stone, and you're a (choose all that apply) hippie/rocker/slacker/hipster/bad parent, get Baby's First Tattoo: A Memory Book for Modern Parents. Then you can record the name of the cab driver who helped deliver the kid, his first grocery store tantrum, and, in a shamelessly thin-veiled product placement for Trixie Tracker, his 10,000th dirty diaper.

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