Sometimes you're the whacker, and sometimes you're the weed. The last time we saw the Quebecois crib powerhouse Morigeau Lepine mentioned on Daddy Types, they were hiding a flatout David Netto knockoff crib in the walled booth at the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas.
Well, now the foot's on the other--karma's a bitch, and then you-- oh, what the hey, the Morigeau Lepine 9000 [catchy name, eh?], a convertible crib/bookcase combo, which I just saw at BuyBuyBaby for $1,439 [conversion kits extra], has been knocked off by Sweet Pea, and is for sale at JC Penney for just $399. In fact, at the moment, it's $50 off that price, just $349.
It's described as "crib is solid hardwood," which leads my newly suspicious mind to think the "bookcase" is made out of sawdust and glue, MDF, or some combination thereof. Still, $1,090 is quite a spread.
Sweet Pea Modern Crib, on sale at JC Penney online, $349+s/h [ via ohdeedoh]
I just bought a Morigeau crib to go with our Morigeau dresser. It was ridiculously expensive (900$) and probably the JC Penney one is just as good (damn I didn't know.) However, it does feel like super high-quality worksmanship, the way the drawers roll on the dresser, the way the side drops on the crib. I'm really pleased by its sturdiness as well as its aesthetics.
[Morigeau's one of those old-school furniture maker types; I'm not surprised. The crib I saw in BBB yesterday looked like it was built like a tank. -ed.]
OK, my Morigeau-Lépine Crib was just destroyed by my 2 year old.... He pulled the slats right out and them cracked them... WHERE do I get an email for this company, I have to send pictures to them. CC
They went out of business last fall. here's the story.